Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Last night we had brussel sprouts for dinner.  Luke ate about a dozen baby sized brussel sprouts (which make them sweeter and more tender).  When they were all gone he cried!  It was the only time he ever threw a really big tantrum where it really did not upset me at all.  I felt even a tiny bit of joy knowing that he was longing for my delicious brussel sprouts :)  Truth be told he was so tired that no matter what we had run out of he would have gotten worked up about it, but it is nice that he still enjoys a good brussel sprout.  One of the things we did when he was little was talk about eating veggies A LOT!!  We did not do it in a parent "You must eat your veggies" sort of way but rather we would talk about how much we love each item.  When we were playing store we always asked for broccoli or brussel sprouts or fruit.  If we played with our little men and he was feeding them my man always would request a healthy treat for dinner.  I involve Luke a lot at the grocery store in helping me find the special treats: brussel sprouts, asparagus, etc.  Eating needs to be fun not a chore so the more it becomes part of our play the better we are.  To that end I have noticed that if he helps in cooking in even a small way : cracking an egg, pushing the button on the blender, he is more likely to eat it.  Kids sense your enthusiasm so it has to be authentic!  

* The key to this is the bread.  Almost all kids enjoy bread but if you introduce them to the white UNHEALTHY kind it is hard to make the switch.  Instead keep a good whole grain bread in your house that does not have any sugar in it.
* We eat sprouted wheat bread that is full of nuts, berries and protein!
* Also this recipe calls for Almond Butter which I recommend over Peanut Butter.  It is much higher in protein, calcium and lower in fat.  If your child is introduced to it instead of peanut butter then to them it is a treat.

1. Take two eggs and and two teaspoons of whole milk and beat together in a shallow dish for dredging.  Add cinnamon and a drop of vanilla extract.
2.  Take two pieces of sprouted bread and spread organic Almond Butter onto one piece
3.  On the second piece of bread drizzle a TINY bit of agave and spread it along the bread
4.  Then slice one banana and place it on top of the agave side of the bread.
5.  Put the two pieces together into a sandwich and cut in half
6.  Dredge the two halves in the egg mixture and then place in a hot pan and cook like french toast.
7.  IF needed serve with St. Dalfour's Jam (all fruit)
8.  Serve with a side of fresh fruit for added fiber.

* this recipe is both kid friendly and yummy.  It is a favorite in my house.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


    I recently had a girlfriend of mine ask me for a few tips on getting her son to eat more vegetables.  He is two years old and since about a year old has been REFUSING to go green if you know what I mean :)  While I do have a few "tricks" up my sleeve I think part of getting a child to eat well is about modeling behavior..YOURS.  If you and your husband always eat well and include your son or daughter in your meals instead of making a separate more "child-friendly" meal chances are that over time they too will eat your food.  Since my son was born I have been introducing him to a variety of "adult" tastes and did not want him to get a more bland palate.  So he has been having foods with garlic and all sorts of spices since he was born.  That said here are a few of my more child friendly tricks and tips.  This will be an ongoing post.


*Be sure to serve your smoothie in an OPAQUE glass so that the added "treats" can't be see
*Use a mixture of both fresh and frozen fruits (frozen is important in making it yummy
*Keep organic frozen mango, strawberries, blueberries and bananas on hand for smoothie
*the banana is a KEY ingredient in hiding other food
*The pureed organic baby foods from Earth's Best are great if you don't have time to pure
*Kale blends up well with a banana and is easily hidden in a smoothie
*Romaine too is virtually without taste and adds extra fiber
*Avocado can be added for thickness but go light as it can make it gloppy
*Can throw in wheat germ, flax meal, oats, etc..

Sample Recipe
1 banana
1/4 cup frozen strawberries
1 /4 cup frozen blueberries
1 large leaf of kale
cup water
1/4 100 percent juice (pomegranite, orange, apple)

BLEND and enjoy!!
Another sample
1/4 cup grapes
1/4 cup frozen mango
1 orange
1 cup water
1/4 cup orange juice
1 jar squash
BLEND and enjoy!!

*** NOTE: I will often put some Greek yogurt in smoothies as well. When doing this it is best to
stick with fruit blends and NOT add the veggies. For some reason it can really heighten the taste of the
veggie and blow your cover :)

Friday, October 31, 2008


    Yes, here is again another very controversial topic.  But since this is a blog promising not to sugar-coat anything I can not shy away from these important issues particularly with how they pertain to our children's health.  I am not a proponent of the flu shot.  I think it is risky and often very inaccurate.  To me it is just another big business that has gotten out of control.  The intention of helping people with lower immune systems protect themselves in quite wonderful but this article speaks to my greatest belief which is that NO SUGAR is one of the best ways to protect the immune system.  I know that some of the points in this article are not entirely accurate (you can get thimerosol-free flu shots), however its overall point speaks to my belief about this shot.  I can tell you that the one year I got the flu shot I got the worst flu EVER!!
If you are considering the flu shot for yourself or your children please read.


   Cate from Tribeca-Yummy Mummy who's blog I recently discovered commented that she would like to know more about what I tried using for Luke's fabulous firetruck cake.  So here is a follow-up to my earlier post.  I very loosely followed a recipe from the ever so fabulous book "Baking with Agave Nectar" by Ania Catalano.   The cake batter has zucchini in it which I think added to the moistness of the cake.    Here is the recipe as I made it:

4 ounces Wax Orchards Fudge Sauce
3/4 cup canola oil
2 cups Whole Wheat Flour
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons baking powder (non aluminum)
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon agave
3 large eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/3 cup nonfat plain yogurt
2 cups coarsely pureed zucchini

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly oil two 9-inch cake pans with oil and flour.
Combine the fudge and 1/4 cup canola oil in a glass bowl and heat in either the microwave for 1 1/2 minutes or in small double boiler.  Stir to combine.  Sift the flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, and baking soda in a large bowl.  In a separate bowl use an electric mixer to beat the rest of the canola oil, and the agave.  Then add the eggs one at a time and beat until mixed.  Add the chocolate and the vanilla extract and then continue to beat.  On a lower sead add teh flour mixture and the yogurt and mix until combined.  Then gently fold in the zucchini puree.  Bake for 30-35 minutes until the center comes out clean.  I RECOMMEND A BIT OF UNDERBAKING FOR INCREASED FUDGINESS.

As for the icing..what I used and what I tried were two different stories.  I used store bought gross sugar laden icing that held toxic food coloring (You can tell I was not thrilled).  What I tried was another agave sweetened recipe that I really did not love.  I think next time I would try an agave sweetened cream cheese frosting.   As for non-toxic food coloring..let me know if any of you other moms out there have found a TRUE firetruck red!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Regardless of how someone feels about the "vaccine" issue the right to choose what you and your family do to your own body should not be taken away!! Health is a huge issue for me having had health challenges in my life. I have often felt pressure to deal with my body in a certain way because of what is considered traditional or normal, however often my body responds better to more alternative treatments. Had I been FORCED to take certain treatments or medicines I can only imagine where I would be today. If there is anything we can do to not let this happen in California then we must do it. We must protect our children's right to take care of their own bodies one day!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


In past election years I have tried very hard to keep politics out of my friendships, relationships and conversations as I know it can often be a "hot topic" and it is often hard to change people's mind who really have already made their decision. This year somehow feels different. I really feel that this is a very critical time in our nation's history. Maybe it is having a child, maybe it just comes with age, or maybe its that this is my blog and I can say anything I want (probably all three), but whichever it is I just can not bear to keep my mouth shut. Somehow today I came upon this video and I think it is very important to see. My son is getting ready to go to preschool. We live in Los Angeles where there are tons of various types of families, two mommies, two daddies, one mommy, etc.. We have purposely chosen a preschool where he will be exposed to a variety of different people, experiences, etc. I feel quite differently from the people in the video and am truly frightened that the world is so antiquated and afraid that it can not embrace change. While I understand wanting to know what your children are reading in school the idea of needing to shelter them from what is truly going on in the world seems barbaric. So all this said. PLEASE vote NO on Proposition 8!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


    For some reason lately there have been a lot of articles popping up about why soy is not a great choice for kids (or adults).  If the phytoestrogens are not reason enough this article has quite a few reasons why parents should not encourage their kids to eat soy and in particular soy based formulas.  Someone told me the other day that I was soy paranoid and yes it may be true; but there are enough reasons not to make soy a mainstay of one's diet. 

Monday, October 13, 2008


For months leading up to Luke's birthday party I searched and searched for recipes and cake pans and things that would help me in making the world's greatest sugar-free firetruck birthday cake. I just really wanted to attempt to make a "healthy" birthday cake for my son on his second birthday. My husband felt I was being overly ambitious since I didn't just want to may a firetruck cake but I wanted to make a 3-D firetruck cake. In searching the internet I came across a website that provided me with wonderful inspiration: Luke's cake wound up being an amalgam of several of the cakes that I found on that site. In my preparation I found organic food coloring made from fruit or vegetable juices (, agave cake recipes, several square pans, organic cookies for the tires, fruit-juice sweetened gum drops for the lights, an icing gun, several tips, and I even lined up a babysitter to come play with Luke out the house while I made everything. I was READY.
The night before the party I did a "test-run" of the cake to make sure that my agave concotion with added zuchinni for nutrion was really edible. It was more than edible, it was delicious. This was going to be a cinch!
Well the icing experience was another story. After making batches of agave buttercream icing (which I did not think was so delicious), I was set to die the first batch red for the overall color of the truck. Armed with beet juice colored dye I put in the first drop and knew instantly that it was going to be a long night. A girlfriend of mine was over for help and moral support and we both just looked at each other. It was almost pinkish-lavendar. This would not do for a boys firetruck. I tried everything: adding more, adding strawberry puree, cranberry puree, real food coloring, everything. All I know is that it was either that the "healthy" icing would not hold the color or the "natural" color just plain sucked!! Either way at the eleventh hour..and I do mean the eleventh hour of making this cake I had to buy awful, sugar-laden, gross, store-bought icing and toxic geled food coloring (which still took tubes and tubes to make red). Oh the guilt this sugar free mama felt. I think I hardly slept that night (which might have been that I tasted the frosting so many times that the sugar kept me up).
I told every parent at the part that the cake was agave sweetened but that the frosting was gross just to prepare them. In the end I must say that it was totally worth it. To see the look on my son's face when Marianne (my helper) and I brought the cake to the party. I would do it all again and probably will again next year. Hopefully Luke will be interested in something a bit less labor intensive by then!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Many people know that my family has been "sugar free" for many years now. I will have the occasional sweet treat but it is EXTREMELY rare and is really only once a year at this point if that. I don't touch alcohol and I am very very careful with exposing my son to any sugar. I am often told by people that I am depriving my son of one of the joys of childhood. That to me is just well..CRAZY!! I know a lot of people eat sugar, some people eat it in moderation and some in excess but very few people would say that they actually believe it is HEALTHY. My son in fact is anything but deprived. He gets treats and quite often but they are fruit sweetened and always in moderation. I have compiled a list of the fruit sweetened treats that we eat in my house. Once you try them you will never go back. They feel healthier and taste yummy- a great combo.

Fabe's fruit sweetened cookies and pies (particularly the pumpkin pie and the oatmeal raisin cookies)
Barbara's Fig Newtons ( all flavors)
Pamela's Ginger Cookies
Pamelas Butter Shortbread Cookies
Earth's Best Crackers (Elmo Face ones)
Wax Orchards Fudge (THE BEST!!! )
St. Dalfour's Fruit Sweetened Jelly
Go Raw Fruit Bars
Lara Bars
Pamelas Pancake and Baking Mix
Zen Bakery ( Amazing Muffins: esp. Carrot Muffin)
Chocolate Ultimate Raw
Fruitabu Organic Smooshed Fruit Bars
Fruitabu Organic Smooshed Fruit Rolls

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I had a mother ask me today what are some of the things that I  would suggest from Trader Joe's that could help her in making some really healthy and yummy "kid friendly" foods.  Well, there were so many to name that I thought it would be great to type some of them up on the blog.  For any readers that I may have (which I don't think are many) who have any suggestions for things they LOVE at TJ's please write them in the comments.  I am always looking for some new ideas.  Also I would like to give an additional shout out to Trader Joe's for heeding some of the advice of us desperate mother's who would like them to carry more ORGANIC  items.  Now instead of the usual three grocery stores that we all go to every week with out rambunctious toddlers running down the aisles and in my case screaming this is sooo FUN, we can go to two grocery stores instead.   YIPPEEE!!! I will include both snack items and items I use to make meals.  Hope this helps!

Trader Joe's Trek Mix (with Cranberries, almonds, and cashews and NO CHOCOLATE, comes in indiv. packs)  
Lara Bars (no sugar added, just fruit and nuts. )
Zen Bakery muffins or cookies (no sugar added, entirely fruit sweetened and DELICIOUS)
Hummus (all kinds)
Sweet Potato Chips
Cheddar Popcorn  (Not so healthy but sooo yummy)
Pita Chips
Parmesean and Artichoke Dip (Refrigerated Section)
Spinach and Artichoke Dip (Not as healthy and in the frozen food section but great for getting kids to dip veggies)

Flax Spaghetti pasta (with added omega)
Trader Joe's Rustico Southern Italian Pasta Sauce 
Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Sprouted Bread
Sprouted Bagels
Individual Brown Rice Bowls (fast and EASY)
Risotto (in a box)
Veggie Rice (in frozen section, has an Indian name)
Gnocchi a la Sorrentina
Organic frozen fruit (for smoothies)
Ricotta stuffed Chicken
Brussel Sprouts in a bag
Baby Zuchinnis
Organic Fruit
Organic Veggies
European Artichokes
Organic Apple Sauce (no sugar added)
Cacciatore Sauce
Pinapple Salsa
Sundried Tomato Pesto
Sweet Potato Fries (frozen)
Almond Milk (unsweetened)
Fage Greek Yogurt
Spinach and cheese Ravioli (refrigerated)
Organic frozen corn

These are just some of our faves.  Most of our grocery shopping these days happens at TJs.  I will add a few recipes soon that we use that are very simple and yummy.


Well not to beat a dead horse but a friend of mine had this posting on her blog and I just could not resist posting it here as well.  I think it speaks volumes about the potential risks of soy.  While I do think there are some benefits of soy I think that the risks are far too great to chance it.  I am sure a little soy in moderation and in its purest form is totally doable but I think that the proliferation of soy in every one of our foods here in the United States is potentially very dangerous.  Not to mention every beauty product as well.  So in case the last article did not convince you here is another :

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Luke has always loved a good muffin.  Frankly, who doesn't!!  Recently he has also taken an interest in talking about seeing a Moose in our bed or under the couch, etc.  I think it was inspired by seeing a Moose on Curious George.  Anyways, in hopes of combining his two loves I recently purchased the book "If You Give A Moose A Muffin" which he thoroughly enjoys.  I made the mistake of reading the book a few weeks ago right after nap time when he had just woken up not even thinking that it make bring on a craving for some muffins...PRONTO.  That said he instantly began begging me to get him a muffin.  Refusing to give in and run to a Starbucks to get a sugar laden muffin or worse a bakery I decided I would go into the kitchen and make them myself.  I have been making these muffins for a year now and he always devours them and like every thing else I make they are SUPER simple.   So warning if you read "If You Give a Moose a Muffin" you best be prepared to Give a Child a Muffin...these are just the right cure for that craving.  

BANANA BREAD MUFFINS (Can be made into just bread as well)
4 Very ripe to Over-ripe bananas
1/3 Vegetable oil (I use half vegetable oil and half unsweetened apple sauce for lower fat)
2 large eggs
1/2 cup apple juice (organic 100% fruit)
1/3 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1/3 Cup White Flour
1/3 Cup Chickpea Flour
1 Tablespoon Ground Organic Flax Meal
1 Tsp Baking Soda
1 Tsp Baking Powder (Aluminum Free)
Nutmeg (I just eyeball how much to put is really up to personal preference)

Bake in greased muffin tin at 325 for 25-30 minutes.  After 25 minutes be sure to check them.  If the top begins to brown quickly and the inside is not done tent with foil and and cook another ten minutes lowering the oven to 300.  I try to keep them a bit overdone so that they are moister.  Makes a delicious dessert as well!! 

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I am often asked why I don't eat soy and why I don't feed it to my family.  Anyone who knows me well knows that I have strong feelings on soy.  In fact in close circles of friends I am known for my monologue about how could a product that we can make into anything be good for you.  Ie) Soy dogs, soy candy, soy in shampoo, soy candles, etc.  Just seems wrong.  That aside it is definitely a product that I avoid in any form.  Having a son I am very careful about any product that is considered highly estrogenic.  I don't allow soy in his soaps or in his mouth and I think this is a great article to understand why.  Again just one mom's opinion.


Pancakes seem to be a surefire hit in out house.  I was searching for a way to make a "healthy" pancake that would please both my husband and my son!!  We went through a lot of trial and error and both of my "taste testers" were very kind about eating whatever it was that I made.  However I think we finally stumbled on a surefire hit.   Here it is:
1/2 cup Garbanzo bean (Chickpea flour)
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder (ALUMINUM FREE)
2 tablespoons ground flax meal **
2 tablespoons oats or wheat germ **
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter (melted)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract (alcohol free if you can find it)
1/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of apple juice (organic, all juice)
1 1/4 cup of apple sauce
1 egg
sliced bananas or blueberries added once in the pan.

** amounts may vary depending on consistency of batter.

In a large bowl sift the flour, baking powder, and salt.  Add the vanilla extract, butter, milk, juice and apple sauce and egg and mix until blended.  Once blended add the tablespoon of melted butter.  Depending on the consistency I will sometime vary the amounts of flax or wheat germ or oats that I put in.  If I add more and it is really thick I add a bit more milk or juice to even it out.  You really can not mess these up.

Once mixed I heat butter on a cast iron skillet and spoon two tablespoons of batter per pancake.  I add the bananas or blueberries before flipping.  

Serve hot as is or with whole fruit jam like St. Dalfour's.   Enjoy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


   So it begins.   I am sitting down to write my first blog posting on this very intimidating blank page.  Why another blog you ask?  Well this one is for me.  All mine.  I am carving out a little space of my own.  In an apartment where your husband works from home and your toddler has been inundated with toys (no longer all wooden I might add) trying to find a little space for one's self is often challenging.  I guess I have found mine in cyberspace :)  What is your intention you ask?  First is my disclaimer.  While I have spent a great deal of time researching information on nutrition, health, recipes, medicine, herbs, parenting, etc..I am NO expert.  I am just a mom, well there really is no "just" about it since it is a pretty challenging title.  This site is mom to mom.  My experience, my findings etc.  Many of my recipes were taken from somewhere and if I can remember where I will certainly give credit, others were family recipes and almost all I have "doctored" to make them healthier or more child friendly.  WHEW! Disclaimers are exhausting.  That said.  Please feel free to comment, give feedback on recipes, send in recipes, etc.  Lets begin.