In past election years I have tried very hard to keep politics out of my friendships, relationships and conversations as I know it can often be a "hot topic" and it is often hard to change people's mind who really have already made their decision. This year somehow feels different. I really feel that this is a very critical time in our nation's history. Maybe it is having a child, maybe it just comes with age, or maybe its that this is my blog and I can say anything I want (probably all three), but whichever it is I just can not bear to keep my mouth shut. Somehow today I came upon this video and I think it is very important to see. My son is getting ready to go to preschool. We live in Los Angeles where there are tons of various types of families, two mommies, two daddies, one mommy, etc.. We have purposely chosen a preschool where he will be exposed to a variety of different people, experiences, etc. I feel quite differently from the people in the video and am truly frightened that the world is so antiquated and afraid that it can not embrace change. While I understand wanting to know what your children are reading in school the idea of needing to shelter them from what is truly going on in the world seems barbaric. So all this said. PLEASE vote NO on Proposition 8!!
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
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